The rich mixture of participants with different backgrounds and orientations that attend the courses helps to build an environment that challenges assumptions as well as providing a supportive community for learning.
Our courses and our work developed out of our passion for wanting our own and other people’s work places to be sources of nourishment, support, ongoing learning and enjoyment. Research has shown that meaningful work is a major contribution to a person’s well-being. We see supervision as a very important element in this. The Centre has expanded the number of courses available from the original Core course. All reflect our basic commitment to helping to create a learning environment for individuals, teams and organisations.
Core Supervision Course
This is the first part of the four stage supervision training.
The module will include:
CLEAR model of supervision:
- Contracting with particular reference to stakeholders and the wider system
- Listening as a supervisor to all levels including to the 'field'
- Exploring with the appropriate balance of participation and reflection
- Action including rehearsal of future scenarios
- Review including links to a wider context
- Exploration of Core beliefs, limiting mindsets and reactive patterns
Development of the 'internal supervisor'
Feedback Skills
The Supervisory relationship and the working alliance
Practice sessions with feedback in small groups
All participants with receive a complimentary copy of our book ' In Love with Supervision'
Therapeutic Supervision Course
(Hawkins and Shohet 7 eyed model)
This course will include:
- Maps and models of the supervision process
- Experiential training in using the seven modes of supervision
- Opportunities to work in triads, as supervisor, supervisee and observer
- An exploration of contracting for different types of supervision and managing supervision boundaries
- Exploring different skills needed for individual and group supervision
Group Supervision Course
The course will include:
- Contracting
- Using the resources of group
- The different facilitation styles in group supervision
- How group dynamics affect group supervision
- Practice sessions with feedback
- Balancing individual, group and task needs
- Application of the 7 eyed model to group supervision (seven foci of supervision, Hawkins and Shohet)
Advanced Supervision Course
This is the final part of our training for those who have completed at least the Core and Seven-eyed /Therapeutic courses. The course is run in the form of a learning community. As well as input from the tutors, members take responsibility for their own and each others' learning.
The course will include:
- Inter-personal process recall training using video
- Advanced skill training including supervising supervisors
- Supervision in organisational contexts
- Supervising difficult situations
- Ethics and assessment
- Special interests